Jackie Cooper, Edelman & Senior Advisor
Jackie Cooper
Global Chief Brand Officer
Edelman & Senior Advisor

Entrepreneur, brand and reputation strategist, protector and promoter for noteworthy individuals, business and causes. Special interest in the intersection of brand, culture, entertainment, and impact. Advisor to Jamie Oliver and The Sir Ken Robinson Foundation. Founder of Edelman’s Gen Z Lab.

Jackie currently oversees the business of brand at Edelman, a global communications firm that partners with businesses and organizations to evolve, promote and protect their brands and reputations. With over 6,000 people in more than 60 offices delivering communications strategies around the world, she leads a global brand network that creates integrated campaigns for commercial and purposeful impact.

In 1987 she co-founded PR & Marketing agency JCPR, awarded for cultural impactful campaigns including the launch of O2, Wonderbra, Mary Kate & Ashley, PlayStation, Wembley Stadium and the final flight for Concorde. JCPR was acquired by Edelman in 2004 and Jackie served as Creative Director on campaigns including Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty, Dirt is Good for Omo/Unilever and the Halo launch for Xbox. She then became Global Creative Chair, joining the Executive Committee and establishing the firm’s formal creative offering, building a global community of 650 creatives, planners and production talent. She led Edelman’s debut at Cannes and overseeing the firm’s first foray into entering the Lions, garnered 65 awards within the first 3 years.

Jackie ensures that brands nail their potential via seamless multi-stakeholder, omni-channel campaigns, driven by the agency’s extensive resource across data, insight, innovation & creative ideation. She continues to work with high profile names who have achieved fame, ensuring they are protected, while helping them establish the foundations for a compelling business and legacy.

Jackie became the first woman to be inducted into the PR Week UK Hall of Fame in 2018 and is an industry mentor. She is married with two grown up daughters.